The Long Journey of Code

“Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare”
-Mary Shelley

So uh, here’s an announcement: I’ve begun learning to code in Unity! That’s right, in an effort to better understand my partners in crime on the actual development side of the studio, I’ve decided to expand my skills and jump into the masochistic world of C# coding for Unity.

No, seriously.

Thanks to the blessings of our all powerful dachshund Fletcher (all praise be to him), earlier I began the trials by Unity, or as the company itself calls them: “Tutorials”. The last time I tried anything remotely like this was back in the days of HTML2 < img src="“Im_really_old.jpeg”" / > which, yes, I’m aware isn’t really a programming language. Thank you, internet.

The first go round had me creating a lovely ball rolling game in which I rattled my brain over what I did wrong before realizing I failed english on a second grade level, forgetting to end a statement with some punctuation.

I spent the next few moments questioning my life choices before continuing on with the rest of the tutorial, completely refusing to just ‘Copy/Paste’ the end results from underneath the video, semi-colons be damned. I want to learn WHY, instead of just what.

After a few hours I had finally managed to get a bit of the logic- don’t get me wrong, I’m still trying to build a castle out of playing cards but as it stands I’m progressing at a completely normal rate for someone who has > 0 skill when it comes to coding anything further than running MSDOS.

Needless to say, finally coming up with the end product established a great sense accomplishment and I’ll be happy to say that I can see my skill set increasing the further into coding I get. Don’t get me wrong, I’m nowhere near ‘Studio’ game development ready, but it’s honestly like I’ve finally given all the puzzle pieces to make a game and now it’s all just a matter of putting things together.

A horrible, terribly coded puzzle. Seriously, I assume it’s going to resemble what spaghetti looks like after you throw it in a food blender and try to tape it all together.

Via repetition. And trial/error. Mostly trial/error. Actually, just error.
Overall, building the tutorials’ mini rollerball game has got me thinking in a positive direction! I’ve enjoyed what I’ve learned so far and am looking forward to tackling more projects in Unity. Next stop, 2D!

‘Learning code is a tricky thing’ – Everyone who has ever tried it.

Charlie Ze coding Newbie

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