Well it’s been a minute, hasn’t it?

Where were we? Oh right, you wanted updates on our awesome new game title- Well you came to the right place!

Our lovely top-down RTS influenced Tower Defense mobile game as previously mentioned will feature several hours of story-driven gameplay, and, also as previously mentioned, takes place in a fantasy world where warring kingdoms going to battle over a suspicious packages.

Let’s get to the meat- A few updates:

A) We’ve created much of the story, and backstory, and pre-backstory and post-backstory.
Trust me, it’s there. It’s also a little funny. While the script is isn’t finalized rest assured you’ve got a long campaign to look forward to especially by mobile game standards!

B) For the most part, we’ve created many of the set pieces and laid the foundation for much of the background stages that you’ll see in Versus. Much of it has taken on a cartoony design, which really adds to the whimsical feel of the game and the charming sense of humour (see below).

C) HUZZAH! Have you seen our artwork lately? It’s looking pretty sharp. Many of the minds here at ZeMind Game Studio are notably strong when it comes to the art department of game design (Follow us on our Instagram for more screengrabs and pictures of our adorable dogs!).

E) Oh what’s that? You want MORE? Oh, by all means scroll away. Check out a few of these preliminary animation tests we’ve got going on, both of units you’ll use to blow each other to smithereens. These are pretty early versions, so expect a big change upon release!

“Versus” Test animation 1

Seriously can’t wait to see you playing this game, it is going to be awesome!

Charlie Ze Newbie

You can interact with Charlie, as well as the studio itself via social media accounts here:


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